Academic Team

I have loved my participation in Southside High School's Academic Team. It is one of the few times that my eclectic knowledge is actually useful. I was a member of academic team starting in 9th grade. When the schools shut down because of COVID, I started hosting my team's virtual tournaments in my house. This enabled us to have that sense of teamwork that is really important when engaging in intellectual effort for such a long time. During 10th and 11th grade, I devoured books and made my team flash card sets. Using those sets, I was able to become the highest scoring player on my team by the end of my 11th grade year. At the Individual Player National Championship Tournament (IPNCT) in 2022, I placed 4th in science and 19th overall.

As of January 2022, I have been to three tournaments my senior year, winning top individual scorer in each one. I have maintained over 80 points per game this year, the highest in my school's history.

The picture on the left shows me at IPNCT.